Regular Cleanings Mean Brighter Smiles! Book Your Next Cleaning Now!

Dr. Sean Sharifali

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Dr. Sharifali is a native of Atlanta, Georgia. He grew up in Duluth before attending the University of Georgia graduating summa cum laude in three years with a bachelor’s in biology.

He then received his DMD degree at the Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University. Dr. Sharifali is a member of the American Dental Association, Georgia Dental Association, and The Hinman Dental Society.
Fun Facts
  • I love to travel!
  • I enjoy reading in my spare time.
Fun Facts
  • Dr. Sharifali enjoys working out
  • He loves traveling
  • In his free time, he likes spending time with family and friends
  • He cheers on the Georgia Bulldogs!

We are proud members of:

GDA logo
Hinman Dental Society

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Harvey Dental Group is here to make you smile.